Comentarios en: Fallece al golpearse con un planeador el jefe de vuelos de Fuentemilanos Noticias de Segovia Tue, 18 Dec 2018 11:39:30 +0000 hourly 1 Por: Gerhart Berwanger Tue, 18 Dec 2018 11:39:30 +0000 En respuesta a Frank.

Con gran dolor he leído de la terrible muerte accidental de Antonio. Lo conocí como un joven piloto de remolque hace más de 25 años. Pero más allá de este trabajo, ha estado comprometido con el proyecto Fuentemilano desde el principio.
Tuve la suerte de participar en la fundación y consolidación del centro de vuelo sin motor deFuentemilanos durante los primeros 15 años como director de la “Segelflugschule Oerlinghausen”. Dejé el servicio de Orlinghausen en el verano de 1995. Desafortunadamente, el nuevo liderazgo de esta escuela se retiró de Fuentemilanos poco después porque no habían entendido cómo adaptarse a la creciente posición e independencia del lado español.
En este difícil momento de transición, junto con otros amigos, fue sobre todo Antonio quien no solo mantuvo la continuidad, sino que también creó una buena visión sostenible para el futuro de “Fuente”.
Fuentemilanos le debe mucho a Antonio. Su muerte deja una brecha dolorosa.
Lo recordaré como una persona amable, un buen amigo y un gran “volovelista”
“Velero listo” Antonio – buen vuelo

Por: Frank Sun, 16 Dec 2018 10:09:46 +0000 We come to Fuentemilanos since the early 1990’s and we meat Antonio as a young tow pilot who came in touch gliding. Antonio became a very important part of Fuentemilanos very soon and he took responsibility for a lot of things he was responsbile for or even not. He was full of energy and as well he was a person helping you to move you glider on the ground or to give instructions for the flight. He was always open to share his experience with others. He was the engine for Fuentemilanos even in difficult times and had a strong believe in the future of the club and the airfield. He was very strict in following security rules and to remember others.

It is a tragedy that he died by a stupid and obsolete accident on a regular gliding day. Sometimes in flying you need some luck Antonio he did not had that day. We are very sad and we can not believe he is not there any more next summer as he was for 25 years we remember. We will miss him.

Sabine + Frank with Sarah

Por: Familie Jörg Strub Fri, 14 Dec 2018 09:07:48 +0000 Wir sind sehr traurig was in Fuente passiert ist.Antonio, Antonio kannst du das oder das wir werden die Hilfsbereitschaft vermissen. Unser Mitgefühl gilt der Familie, wir werden ihn in Erinnerung halten.

Por: Manfred Kasten MK Wed, 12 Dec 2018 16:29:32 +0000 Für mich ist es unfassbar was dort passiert ist ! Ich bin sehr traurig darüber, dass ich einen guten und hilfsbereiten Freund verloren habe. Mein Mitgefühl gilt der Familie, ich werde ihn sehr vermissen.

Por: Andy Wed, 12 Dec 2018 08:52:16 +0000 We will miss him very much. !!

Por: John Le Coyte Tue, 11 Dec 2018 16:36:15 +0000 Many years ago gliding at Fuentemilanos was only made available to foreigners through the auspices of the German club from Oerlinghausen, who had exclusive control of the airfield, save for resident Spanish nationals.

In those days it was a very big organisation with its own German instructors, 12 single seaters, several training gliders and 3 tugs brought from Germany. The whole operation was run very successfully by Ingo Renner.

In 1992 I arrived with my new LS7 when I was greeted by a young tug pilot who told me that Fuentemilanos had now separated from Oerlinghausen. He asked me to join the Spanish club, which I did. This caused consternation with the English contingent, who were mostly from Sutton Bank and Rufforth who said that I was letting Oerlinghausen down and if this trend continued it would mean the end of gliding at Fuentemilanos, as the Spanish were not capable of running such a complex organisation. How wrong they were.

That young tug pilot was Antonio.

That hundreds of glider pilots have enjoyed Fuentemilanos is due, in no small part, to the dedication of José Antonio González.

Antonio was a regular influence for a period every year for so many pilots of many nationality. He afforded them, and me, the professional and friendly enjoyment.

He was a friend to me and I will miss him.

Por: João Francisco (Portugal) Sun, 09 Dec 2018 18:25:50 +0000 António, Ser Humano fora de série. Foi ele que ensinou a voar planador. Que voes em paz para sempre e quando estiver a voar sei que estou contigo.

Por: Alumno Sun, 09 Dec 2018 16:36:16 +0000 Le conocí hace muy poco, volé con el.
Nunca un no en su boca, que siempre sonreía.
Para él ahora el cielo….. con sólo abrir los brazos.

Por: Inmigrante Segoviano Sun, 09 Dec 2018 15:19:32 +0000 Nunca he tenido un profesor más amable, paciente y válido. Como persona, de una humildad que te desbordaba. Me va a costar volver a despegar, y si lo hago, será en su honor. Gracias Antonio.

Por: Holger Sun, 09 Dec 2018 12:51:55 +0000 Ich bin sehr traurig mit Mitgefuehl an Familie und Freunde.
